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l0stat statistics 1.1

l0stat statistics 1.1

l0stat statistics Publisher's Description

In a security assessment of password database quality based on L0phtcrack, how could you sumarize a 5000 account results information ? there's no way if you don't use an specific utility to do so.

l0stat provides statistical info about all user or computer accounts in terms of a basic and position analysis.

Basic Analysis gives a global view of strength of password account:
  • Total accounts
  • how many null passwords
  • same passwords as accounts
  • revealed passwords
  • type of characters on password contents
  • distribution of passwords classified by their lengths

Position Analysis gives a detailed view of patterns of password contents of revealed accounts:
  • Amount of revealed characters at each password string position
  • Frequency of characters depending on positions
  • Top 5 most repeated characters
  • Top 10 combinations of 2 to 5 characters
  • Resemblances between accounts and passwords

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